Friday, January 30, 2015

January 29 -- Terrace Hate Crime Investigation and Reaction

From CFTK TV 7 News Archive...



  1. I saw this comment before it was taken down and I reported it because in the past few years since Idle no more started I have seen many many comments like this or worse. Most of the really bad racist comments that I have seen are on the mainstream media sites.....the vancouver sun, the province, global, huffington post, the globe and mail. The majority of the people that comment on the mainstream media sites are racist against our people. I have yet to see any of these sites pull a racist comment and like I said....many are much worse that the comment made by Howie.

  2. Well be careful not to generalize, as the unacceptable actions of some do not reflect the opinion of the majority. Though I would agree with your point that all the media sites need to be more dedicated to keeping an eye on their open forums for abuse.

    Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts

